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Pierre Goad

Group Managing Director & Group Head of Communications at HSBC

Meet Pierre

Pierre is the Group Managing Director and Group Head of Communications at HSBC, one of the world’s leading financial services organizations, helping people and businesses realize their ambitions.

In the Rebel Playbook

Pierre’s play is in the book, Chapter 3 - Open & Honest Communication, and is titled “Giving your employees a seat at the table”.

We also include a bonus play on this website which is titled
Creating a sense of community through communications”. Both showcase the power of communication and how rebellious approaches have made a difference at HSBC.

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The Rebel Interview

In 2011 HSBC were facing a challenging time. They were having to deal with regulatory issues they knew were going to go public, a new management team, and a new management structure. They responded with a comprehensive and rebellious approach to communicating with their workforce, putting in place a communication strategy and programs that has had a profound on the company and its global workforce.

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